It is incredible learning about the body and how what we put in our mouth has so much affect on our health. I truly believe in the saying, “You are what you EAT” Not only is our nutrition important, our physical activity also plays a huge role. As with any stage of life, nutrition and [...]
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It is important to understand what it is you are trying to achieve with your nutrition and the foundations to follow as a guideline. My own guideline is to ensure nutrient density, portions, proportions and timing and be consistent as this for me is key in preparing any Meal Plan. Start your day with breakfast (this is [...]
Coconut Oil Ginger Garlic Fresh Herbs Bone Broth I am not a Chef by any means. I'm a home cook, (Nutritious Life Certified) and Nutrition, Health and Wellness Coach (Well College Global) that loves to nourish myself and my family with food that is nutrient dense to maximise satiety and that tastes good. Avoiding processed foods [...]
Do You Activate Your Nuts? I am a big fan of "activated nuts". Why Activate Nuts? “Activation is like sprouting of grains (wheat or barley grass) or sprouting of seeds (mung bean sprouts or alfalfa sprouts). Soaking them and then drying them out causes them to sprout, which then activates the enzymes which makes them easier to [...]
I want to give a big shout out to an amazing woman, who has helped shape my new fit & healthy lifestyle. Bree Argetsinger, aka The Betty Rocker she is an innovative leader, coach and motivator in the world of health and fitness. Also a C.H.E.K. (Corrective Exercise and High-performance Kinesiology) exercise coach with a background in structural alignment [...]