Fruit and Nut Chocolate Bark
Recipe Snacks

Fruit and Nut Chocolate Bark

Some days you just gotta have some chocolate so why not make your own healthy version of fruit and nut chocolate bark to have a little indulgence! Cacao has such wonderful health benefits and a bitter taste - I'm a bit partial to bitter flavours. It is also a good source of antioxidants to help improve [...]

Anzac biscuits
Recipe Snacks

Anzac Biscuits

Anzac Biscuits are no doubt an Aussie and NZ classic. You can read about the story behind the Anzac Biscuit here. The ingredients of traditional Anzac Biscuits have changed a little over the past century, in keeping up with peoples different food allergies! What does vary significantly is people’s preference on crunchy versus chewy. I definitely [...]

Activated Nuts
Blog Recipe Snacks

Activated Nuts

Do You Activate Your Nuts? I am a big fan of "activated nuts". Why Activate Nuts?  “Activation is like sprouting of grains (wheat or barley grass) or sprouting of seeds (mung bean sprouts or alfalfa sprouts). Soaking them and then drying them out causes them to sprout, which then activates the enzymes which makes them easier to [...]

Not Just Fresh Air Recipe EBook


I’m so excited to release my recipe collection e-book with nutrient dense recipes & 30 Day Meal Plan I have always wanted to create!

My collection is full of my favourite nutrient dense recipes that I love to cook and fuel my body with every day. If you want to eat natural whole food that’s good for you – there is something here for everyone.

I created these e-books so that I can share with you, my love of food and what I eat. It can be a massive challenge to eliminate foods and to find alternatives that are simple yet still provide the nutrients the body deserves and needs.

This book has been compiled for a couple of years and is finally available!!

Read more.


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