Category / Dessert

Rocky Road
Dessert Recipe

Rocky Road

Who doesn't love Rocky Road?  Great for a gift, or simply an afternoon treat to enjoy with a cuppa. This rocky road is quick to make. Treat yourself to this delicious healthy alternative with good gut health "jellymallow!" What is "jellymallow?" it is a quick mix of homemade jelly whisked until fluffy!

Mint Slice
Dessert Recipe

Mint Slice

One of my all time favourite biscuits is "The Mint Slice". Well now that I no longer have sugar, gluten or dairy! What is a girl to do? Create my own version of course. Many Australians have grown up enjoying this old favourite. This chocolate peppermint slice will have the family fighting over the last [...]

Chocolate Cake Ganache Icing
Dessert Recipe

Chocolate Cake with Ganache Icing

Chocolate Cake with Ganache Icing is a fun cake to bake. Have you gathered that I am a big fan of chocolate yet? I think you are going to love this one. It certainly rises to the occasion and would be great for a Birthday, Anniversary or for any occasion really. When I bake I [...]